peMakLuMAn daa....

aDelah Ini DiumuMkaN bAhAWasAnYa adaLAH tAK dibEnarKAN seBarAng AyaT yAng BeruNSur Lucah, CaRut, CaCi-Maki yaNg BleH mENiMbULKAan iSU KePadA BanGSa, AgaMa, NeGara daN Kata2 Yang SamE WaktUNya MelaInKaN DaRiPaDa TauKe BLOg sEnDiRi...... HarAp SemuA PeLaWat DapAt MeMaTuHI perATUraN SuCi ini......Idop Budi BAHasa...
budi bahasa, budaya kita!

boycott la wei...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

hari sushi

day before yesterday....i mean monday
we had a sushi day (flatmate!)
me,Andrea(germany girl) and Susan(Susan,frens of andrea... she is not one of our flatmates,but she really had enjoy staying with us a week before class started and she come to our place almost everyday!..everybody love her to!...i'll talk about her later...)
we decide to have 'makan-makan' together..we planned this before but cannot manage to get a right time when everyone free, esp as for me..i just finish my fasting month..'so,hr isnin tu xd r pose 6!

and the sushi day was to celebrate Ruth(my flatmate,my course mate,Scottish,tall,Grey eyes) for her success on driving license test!..congrats!...and to celebrate this, her boyfriend do come back home from his work..somewhere and something relate to ship and sea..dunno much bout him!

so, we cook rice<--of coz i was in charge with this...almost everyday cook i told them how to cook rice..but, japanese rice is different...melekit skit la kn...huhuh...tanak lak tu...sib baik jd cantik cun...kalo x,malu je ngn dorg!xd kerak2 mcm nasik syafiq masak....hahahahaha

so, susan did additional dish which her called it Germany vegetable soup...she insist me to check all the ingredient 1st before she start cook because they all know that i am Muslim,don't eat pork,dont take alcohol dinner was very vegeterian one!...nasib baik aku makan ikan..kalau x..mau jd sushi timun je!

so, everybody was happy and we had a time together
even though not all of us gathered there...i have a flatmate that till now i dont really remember her name because she don't bother to talk to any of us...bak kata andrea 'who cares?'

so, we made sushi and we did it!...seriously, i think this is the 1st time i taste a very delicious sushi compare to sushi king etc...hahaahhahah

but just a few my flatmates (nigerian) dare to try it..they dont really like 'the so flattttt taste of sushi'..hahah..ak pn kali ni..layann

p/s terima kasih kerana fhm ak x mkn pork,n makan makanan yg kene sembelih....dan sama waktu ngn nye...!tq2

next time i need to cook curry for them..smlm buat ikan masak sweet sour pun dorg pau! nk kene wat kls memasak lak kt dorg!

